Frauenheldinnen » FrauenHeldinnenMagazin » News » Gen­der iden­ti­ty the­o­ry and fun­da­men­tal­ist Islam — dou­ble suf­fer­ing for women?

Analysis by Eva Engelken

Gender identity theory and fundamentalist Islam – double suffering for women?

von | 14.05.24

Foto von <a href="">Liam McGarry</a> auf <a href="">Unsplash</a>

Foto von Liam McGarry auf Unsplash

An ana­ly­sis by Eva Engel­ken

What do gen­der iden­ti­ty theo­ry and fun­da­men­ta­list Islam have in com­mon? Can they be seen as two facets of the rever­sal of women’s rights that can be obser­ved world­wi­de, and is it per­haps no coin­ci­dence that their cur­rent mas­si­ve appearance and their top-down infil­tra­ti­on into Wes­tern socie­ty coin­ci­de? But why do some women hold back with their cri­ti­cism? For fear of being seen as anti-Mus­lim?

First of all, the par­al­lels.

Both make women invi­si­ble. Gen­der iden­ti­ty theo­ry, by taking away their right to their own name and rede­fi­ning woman­hood as an iden­ti­ty that can be appli­ed via make­up, while at the same time era­sing the word woman in favor of sexist word crea­ti­ons such as „peo­p­le with ute­r­uses“. Fun­da­men­ta­list Islam makes women invi­si­ble by wrap­ping at least their hair, if not their enti­re bodies, in black or gray cloth.

They both push women out of their rooms and rest­rict their free­dom of move­ment. Some take away women’s safe spaces by ope­ning them up to men. The others deny women free and safe par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in public life from the out­set. Both rest­rict women’s par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in socie­ty. Some take the hard-won lea­der­ship posi­ti­ons (or women’s quo­ta places) away from women by iden­ti­fy­ing them­sel­ves as women. The others do not even allow women to run for rele­vant posi­ti­ons.

Some are making women’s sport obso­le­te by allo­wing men to play it. The others do not allow women to take part at all or only allow them to do so in a tex­ti­le cove­ring.

Some dri­ve a wedge bet­ween par­ents and child­ren, others decla­re child mar­ria­ges to be legal. Some cele­bra­te geni­tal-alte­ring and libi­do-rest­ric­ting inter­ven­ti­ons as health care, while others decla­re geni­tal muti­la­ti­on of girls to be a neces­sa­ry act of puri­ty. Both of them are lor­ding it over women’s fer­ti­li­ty and sexua­li­ty. Some decla­re them­sel­ves mothers and use women’s bodies as con­trac­tual­ly ren­ted incu­ba­tors via sur­rog­a­cy and egg dona­ti­on. The others for­bid their wives to use con­tracep­ti­on – here they are simi­lar to fun­da­men­ta­list Chris­ti­ans – and sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly turn their wives into incu­ba­tors for as many off­spring as pos­si­ble. Some cele­bra­te all sexu­al devi­ance as a sexu­al iden­ti­ty wort­hy of pro­tec­tion and pro­sti­tu­ti­on as sex work. The others enable pro­sti­tu­ti­on by decla­ring it an ultra-short-term mar­ria­ge.

Both place ideo­lo­gy and vic­tim nar­ra­ti­ves abo­ve rea­li­ty: some crea­te the nar­ra­ti­ve of the pri­vi­le­ged cis woman, which allows them to reinter­pret the defence of urgen­tly nee­ded women’s safe spaces as the „dis­cri­mi­na­to­ry exclu­si­on of mar­gi­na­li­zed trans women“, and the sexu­al harass­ment made pos­si­ble by the intru­si­on as the right to „equa­li­ty“ and the „right to pee“. The others use the post­co­lo­ni­al nar­ra­ti­ve of the inju­s­ti­ce of the Wes­tern world to por­tray them­sel­ves as the sole vic­tim in the event of a crime, which, based on this nar­ra­ti­ve, can­not be a per­pe­tra­tor at all

Such a com­ple­te per­pe­tra­tor-vic­tim rever­sal is other­wi­se only found among pedo­cri­mi­nals who try to jus­ti­fy the abu­se of a litt­le girl with the lie that they were sedu­ced by the litt­le girl.

Both demand uncon­di­tio­nal, almost tota­li­ta­ri­an sub­mis­si­on to the nar­ra­ti­ve from their sup­port­ers and try to silence their cri­tics and even more so their fema­le cri­tics: the one by cal­ling them trans­pho­bic and fil­ing cri­mi­nal char­ges, the other by framing any skep­ti­cism as an expres­si­on of so-cal­led anti-Mus­lim racism.

Last but not least, tho­se who are sup­po­sedly pro­tec­ted are the first to suf­fer. For homo­se­xu­als or dia­gno­sed trans­se­xu­als, gen­der iden­ti­ty theo­ry does not bring reco­gni­ti­on, but rather hosti­li­ty. For mode­ra­te or enti­re­ly secu­lar Mus­lims, fun­da­men­ta­list Islam brings back the rest­ric­tions on free­dom from which they fled to Germany/Europe at some point.

The out­cry should actual­ly be huge. But ins­tead, even radi­cal femi­nist women are hol­ding back on cri­ti­ci­zing the incre­asing­ly offen­si­ve calls for the Isla­miza­ti­on of Ger­ma­ny. When I recent­ly rai­sed the topic in a radi­cal femi­nist group, I was told: „As radi­cal femi­nists, we see all mono­the­i­stic reli­gi­ons as pro­ble­ma­tic and an out­growth of patri­ar­chy.“ I repli­ed that I did too, but that we in Ger­ma­ny now had a pro­blem with fun­da­men­ta­list Islam. And the pro­blem would not get any smal­ler just becau­se Chris­ti­an men also raped women and visi­ted brot­hels. They said that they unders­tood this, but were worried about appearing anti-migrant or anti-Mus­lim with public state­ments.

Now, Chris­tia­ni­ty and Juda­ism are also mono­the­i­stic Abra­ha­mic reli­gi­ons – and in their fun­da­men­ta­list form they are an impo­si­ti­on and a depri­va­ti­on of free­dom for women. Howe­ver, in Euro­pe, the USA, Cana­da and Aus­tra­lia, the two reli­gi­ons are curr­ent­ly lar­ge­ly rest­ric­ted by the law. Secu­la­rism and women’s rights, which are often even enshri­ned in the con­sti­tu­ti­on, pro­tect women from patri­ar­chal, reli­gious­ly moti­va­ted desi­res. With excep­ti­ons – such as the rest­ric­tion of the repro­duc­ti­ve right to abor­ti­on – this even appli­es to the evan­ge­li­cal US sta­tes: Even if the ele­men­ta­ry right to deci­de on a pregnan­cy is effec­tively nul­li­fied here, the­re is still a sepa­ra­ti­on of church and sta­te, and (alle­ged) adul­tery is not punis­hed with las­hes or ston­ing. But whe­re­ver fun­da­men­ta­list Islam is on the rise, this sepa­ra­ti­on no lon­ger works becau­se the Sha­ria law with its miso­gy­ni­stic con­tent forms the legal sys­tem. Of cour­se the­re is pro­gress, for exam­p­le in Tuni­sia, but over­all Sha­ria law domi­na­tes in Mus­lim count­ries to the detri­ment of women. The Isla­mists are now also deman­ding its intro­duc­tion in Ger­ma­ny. And they empha­si­ze this demand with a high birth rate in order to bring the hated „West“ to its kne­es nume­ri­cal­ly

Not say­ing any­thing about the disen­fran­chise­ment of women for fear of appearing anti-Mus­lim seems simi­lar­ly short-sigh­ted as refrai­ning from cri­ti­ci­zing trans­gen­der ideo­lo­gy for fear of appearing anti-trans.

What is inex­pli­ca­ble among many woke peo­p­le and tho­se who sym­pa­thi­ze with the left spec­trum is their blind­ness to the fact that their way of thin­king would no lon­ger have any room if a cali­pha­te real­ly were to be estab­lished. In fun­da­men­ta­list Islam, it is life-threa­tening to form an oppo­si­ti­on. Women who tear the hijab off their heads in Iran, for exam­p­le, are ris­king their lives. „Left-wing“ values such as diver­si­ty and varie­ty or human rights are gene­ral­ly not to be found in Isla­mic count­ries. Nevert­hel­ess, new­co­mers from the­se cul­tures are trea­ted with kid gloves, even if they open­ly dis­play and live out their miso­gy­ni­stic values. This can only be due to an uncon­scious? Unli­ke Isla­mic fun­da­men­ta­lists, right-wing extre­mist Ger­mans of Ger­man ori­gin are – right­ly – con­dem­ned and per­se­cu­ted in the stron­gest pos­si­ble terms by the same peo­p­le. This remar­kab­le dou­ble stan­dard can be found at all social and poli­ti­cal levels.

On Satur­day, May 11, a short video clip from the news por­tal NIUS gave a faint impres­si­on of the con­tempt for women to be expec­ted in a cali­pha­te.

In it, the young repor­ter Zara Riff­ler tried to ask the Ham­burg demons­tra­tors ques­ti­ons and was met with icy silence and angry looks. The few men who ans­we­red her in mono­syll­ables were imme­dia­te­ly haras­sed by ste­wards. The fact that they were not sim­ply pushed away was pro­ba­b­ly only due to the very pre­sent poli­ce, who did a good job, but not to the respect of the most­ly beard­ed men for women. Their women stood far away, ful­ly cover­ed under veils or dis­rupt­ing the coun­ter-pro­tests.

When their rights were threa­ten­ed by gen­der iden­ti­ty ideo­lo­gy, many women and les­bi­ans first had to pluck up the cou­ra­ge to speak out. When it comes to the Isla­mist thre­at to their rights, the­re is an almost inex­pli­ca­ble void for many peo­p­le, which this artic­le has hop­eful­ly fil­led a litt­le

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