Become a member
of Frauenheldinnen e.V.
We are happy to welcome new members and sponsoring members.
Mission Statement Frauenheldinnen e.V.
The non-profit support platform Frauenheldinnen e. V. was founded by a circle of women active in women’s politics, entrepreneurs, students, politicians, mothers and fathers.
Our goal is to provide financial and organisational support for informative measures and resistance. By women — for women. For girls and mothers. But also for boys and fathers. For all those who want to counter the increasing ideological influence on our society. Because it jeopardizes the hard-won equality of women and men, endangers the well-being of our children and undermines our secular constitutional order. We also oppose culturally and religiously based norms that increasingly shape social life in Europe and Germany and grant women only inferior civil rights.
We are guided by the values of the free democratic basic order, in particular Article 3 of the Basic Law (equal rights for women and men, protection against gender-based discrimination) and Article 6 (protection of marriage and the family, whereby we advocate a strong position / strengthening of mothers). We also unconditionally support the rule of law, pluralism and individual responsibility. This includes freedom in the shaping of one’s own life and sexual orientation as well as consideration for the boundaries of others.
You can see better without ideological glasses
We take off our ideological glasses and take a realistic look at the current challenges.
- For us, all people are endowed with equal rights, with mothers and children having a special right to protection. Because even where there is legal equality, violence and injustice are far from being eliminated.
- We are not engaging in all-inclusive feminism that fails to see women for the newly discriminated against; rather, we are committed to ending the gender-based discrimination and sexual exploitation of women and girls that remains rampant.
- We respect and value other cultures and religions, but reject any kind of cultural relativism and name human rights violations no matter where we see them.
- We value arguments on the merits and reject the boycott on moral grounds as Cancel Culture.For us, clear language is an expression of clear thought. We oppose a narrowing of social and scientific discourse through totalitarian prohibitions on speech and thought that make art, literature and science impossible and stifle all creativity.
- In particular, we oppose the infiltration of language that uses neologisms to make women invisible behind gender-leveling generic terms.
- We are prepared to talk across party-political boundaries. We form alliances of reason and for the sake of the cause.
- We condemn that woke activists trivialize and instrumentalize right-wing extremism and anti-Semitism in order to prevent open debates.
Our positions and goals
- We say yes to a life without gender stereotypes, where women as well as men take on responsibility and where girls are allowed to be rough and wild and boys gentle and caring without any doubts about their gender.
- We are committed to ensuring that the current and future generations perceive boys and girls as equal human beings, which gives them the opportunity to develop free of stereotypes.
- We are fighting to ensure that the next generation of women also has the freedoms we enjoyed as mothers and parents. This is why we are in favour of maintaining a concept of sex that is tied to the immutable biological binary. We say no to legal and conceptual arbitrariness that erases the category of woman and destroys gender-based rights.
- Homosexual people experience broad acceptance in our society. We say yes to masculine lesbian girls and feminine gay boys. We say no to the trend of telling lesbian girls they are boys because they love girls or don’t conform to gender roles. We say no to the erasure of homosexuality by claiming to be involved with opposite-sex partners who claim to be of one’s own sex.
- We say yes to parental duty of care and parental right of care. We say no to undermining parental care through provisions that give children the right to freely choose their name and gender registration.
- We say yes to qualified therapeutic support and exploratory diagnostics for children and adolescents. We say no to “affirmative” counseling on surgeries, hormones, and medications designed to irreversibly damage the supposedly false body and to create synthetic gender identities.
- We say yes to medicine and technology that serves people. We say no to the instrumentalization and pathologization of young people in order to turn their bodies into a lifelong source of capital for the pharmaceutical industry and bio- and gene technology.
- We say yes to a fulfilled sexuality beyond pleasure- and freedom-restricting gender norms. We say no to a society where women’s bodies are bought and sexually exploited.
- We say yes to protected children. We say no to a society in which even children can view what is described as sexual violence on their cell phones.
- We say yes to self-determined family planning and to a decision for or against pregnancy. We say no to state control of female fertility and to health hazards that arise when women are forced to have illegal abortions.
- We say yes to a family constellation with a strong mother at the center. We say no to child welfare threats from violent fathers. We oppose the confusion of children by parents who subscribe to gender identity ideology, act this out in front of children, and thus indoctrinate their offspring.
- We say yes to natural motherhood. We say no to the exploitation of female reproductive capacity through surrogate or rented motherhood and egg donation. We say no to the acceptance of traumatization of mother and child.
Statutes Frauenheldinnen e.V.
Statutes Frauenheldinnen e.V.
§ 1 Name, registered office and financial year
- The name of the organization is Frauenheldinnen e.V..
- It has its registered office in 41061 Mönchengladbach.
- After confirmation of the non-profit status, it uses the addition non-profit.
- The fiscal year is the calendar year.
§ 2 Purpose of the association, non-profit status
- The Association, which has its registered office in Mönchengladbach, exclusively and directly pursues charitable purposes within the meaning of the section “Tax-privileged purposes” of the German Tax Code.
- The purpose of Frauenheldinnen e.V. is to promote equal rights for women and men and to promote the protection of marriage and family.
- The purpose of the association is realized in particular by:
- Educating the public and students, women, mothers, and lesbian women about their rights, protective rights, constricting gender role stereotypes, and current threats to their rights;
- the provision of donations in cash and in kind to initiatives and committed individual women who are themselves neither a non-profit association nor a political party, but who realize concerns corresponding to the purpose of the association;
- Lectures and events in accordance with the purpose of the association;
- Education and lobbying of social and political decision-makers;
- the issuance of free and paid information materials (publications, books and websites);
- Individual case assistance and legal aid.
- For the fulfillment of these statutory purposes, appropriate funds shall be raised and used through contributions, apportionments, donations, grants and other contributions.
- The association is selflessly active; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes. The Association’s funds may only be used for purposes in accordance with the Articles of Association. Members shall not receive any benefits from the funds of the Association in their capacity as members. Remuneration is permissible within the scope of Section 3 No. 26 of the German Income Tax Act (EStG). No person may benefit from expenses that are alien to the purpose of the association or from disproportionately high remuneration.
§ 3 Acquisition of membership
- Any natural person or legal entity that recognizes and supports the purpose of the Association may become an ordinary member of the Association.
- Admission to the Association must be applied for in writing to the Board of Directors. In the case of minors, the application for membership must be submitted by their legal representatives. The Board of Directors decides on the application for membership at its own discretion. He/she does not have to give reasons for refusal of the application to the person making the application.
- Upon proposal of the Executive Board, the General Assembly may appoint members or other persons who have rendered outstanding services to the Association as honorary members for life.
§ 4 End of membership
- Membership in the association ends with death (in the case of legal entities with their extinction), resignation or exclusion.
- The resignation must be declared in writing to the Executive Board. Resignation can only be declared with a notice period of three months to the end of the fiscal year.
- An ordinary member may be expelled from the association by a majority decision of the board of directors if he or she a) culpably damages the reputation or the interests of the association in a serious manner or b) is more than three months in arrears with the payment of its membership fees and has not paid the arrears despite a written reminder under threat of exclusion. The decision must be communicated to the member in writing and reasons must be given.
- The general meeting will be informed about the exclusion. An appeal against the decision of the Board is possible to the General Assembly if it is submitted in writing to the Board no later than one month after the decision. The rights of the person to be excluded shall be suspended until the next ordinary general meeting. The member shall be given the opportunity to comment on the reasons for the exclusion at the general meeting. The General Meeting shall then decide on the exclusion by simple majority.
§ 5 Rights and duties of ordinary members
- Every full member has equal voting and election rights in the general meeting.
- Every full member has the duty to promote the interests of the association, in particular to pay his membership fees regularly and, as far as he is able, to support the life of the association through his cooperation.
§ 6 Admission fee and membership fees
- Every full member has to pay a membership fee according to the membership fee regulations.
- The amount of the membership fees is determined by the general meeting in a membership fee regulation.
- Honorary members are exempt from membership fees.
§ 7 Sustaining membership/extraordinary members
- Any natural or legal person who recognizes the purpose of the Association and who is willing to support the Association ideally and/or financially in accordance with the contribution rules may become an extraordinary sustaining member.
- Associate members, unlike regular members, do not have voting rights at general meetings and cannot be elected to the Board of Directors.
- The board of directors decides on the written application for membership. The rejection of an application for admission does not require any justification and is final. The sustaining membership does not give rise to any claims on the part of the association against the sustaining member.
- The sponsoring membership ends by death, resignation or exclusion by the board of directors. Expulsion is possible if the sustaining member causes lasting damage to the interests and public reputation of the Association, or is more than three months in arrears with the sustaining fees and has not paid the arrears despite a written reminder under threat of expulsion.
§ 8 Bodies of the association
The organs of the association are the board of directors, the general meeting and the advisory board.
§ 9 Executive Board
- The board of directors consists at least of the chairwoman and her deputy. It can have up to 5 members in total.
- The chairperson and her deputy each represent the association alone.
- The members of the Board of Management may be paid an appropriate remuneration. Its amount is determined by the financial regulations, which are decided by the general meeting.
- The Chairwoman of the Board is an adult female. The majority of the members of the Board of Management shall be female.
§ 10 Tasks of the Management Board
The Executive Board of the Association is responsible for representing the Association in accordance with § 26 of the German Civil Code (BGB) and for managing its business. § Section 181 of the German Civil Code (Insichgeschäfte) shall not apply. The Board of Directors has the following duties in particular:
- the convening and preparation of general meetings, including the drawing up of the agenda,
- the execution of resolutions of the general meeting,
- the management of the association’s assets and the preparation of the annual report,
- the admission of new members and supporting members,
- the exclusion of supporting members from the association,
- the appointment of the office.
§ 11 Appointment of the Management Board
- The members of the Board of Directors are elected individually by the General Meeting for a period of three years. Only members of the Association may be members of the Board; membership in the Association also ends membership in the Board. The re-election or early dismissal of a member by the general meeting is permissible. A member shall remain in office after the expiration of the regular term until the election of his successor.
- If a member leaves the board prematurely, the remaining members of the board are entitled to elect a member of the association to the board until the successor is elected by the general meeting.
§ Section 12 Consultation and Resolutions of the Board of Management
- The Board of Directors shall meet as required. The meetings shall be convened by the Chairwoman of the Board of Management or, if she is unable to do so, by her deputy. A notice period of one week shall be observed. The Board of Directors has a quorum if at least two members are present. The majority of the valid votes cast shall be decisive in the passing of resolutions. In the event of a tie, the Chairperson shall have the casting vote, or, if the Chairperson is unable to attend, the Vice Chairperson shall have the casting vote.
- The resolutions of the Board of Directors shall be recorded in the minutes. The minutes shall be signed by the keeper of the minutes and by the Chairperson, or in her absence by her deputy or another member of the Executive Board.
§ 13 Tasks of the General Meeting
The General Meeting is responsible for decisions in the following matters:
- Amendments to the Articles of Association,
- the determination of the contribution regulations and the financial regulations,
- the appointment of honorary members as well as the exclusion of ordinary members from the association,
- the election and dismissal of the members of the Executive Board and the cash auditor,
- the acceptance of the annual report and the discharge of the Executive Board,
- the dissolution of the association.
§ 14 Convening of the General Meeting
- At least once a year, if possible in the first quarter, an ordinary general meeting is to be convened by the board of directors. The meeting shall be convened in writing, giving four weeks’ notice and stating the agenda.
- The agenda is set by the Executive Board. Each member of the association can request an addition to the agenda in writing to the board of directors at least one week before the general meeting. The Board of Directors decides on the application. The General Meeting shall decide on motions on the agenda which have not been included by the Executive Board or which are put forward for the first time at the General Meeting by a majority of the votes of the members present; this shall not apply to motions which have as their object an amendment to the Articles of Association, changes in membership fees or the dissolution of the Association.
- The Executive Board shall convene an extraordinary General Meeting if the interests of the Association so require or if at least one tenth of the members request this in writing, stating the purpose and the reasons.
§ 15 Adoption of resolutions by the General Meeting
- The General Meeting shall be chaired by the Chairwoman of the Board, or, if she is unable to do so, by her deputy, and, if she is unable to do so, by a chairman of the meeting to be elected by the General Meeting.
- The quorum of the General Assembly shall be the number of members present.
- The general meeting decides by open vote with the majority of the votes of the members present. If, in the case of elections, no candidate can obtain the majority of the votes of the members present, the person who has obtained the majority of the valid votes cast shall be elected; a run-off election shall be held between several candidates. Resolutions to amend the Articles of Association shall require a majority of three quarters, and resolutions to amend the purpose or dissolve the Association shall require the approval of nine tenths of the members present.
- Minutes shall be taken of the proceedings of the General Meeting and the resolutions adopted, and shall be signed by the keeper of the minutes and the chairman of the meeting.
§ 16 The Funding Advisory Board
- The Association may appoint a Support Advisory Board, which shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors. Its recommendations on the allocation of funds serve as a decision-making aid for the Board of Management.
- Its appointment, the duration of its appointment and the nature of its activities shall be governed by the Advisory Board Rules.
- The members of the advisory board have the right to participate — without the right to vote — in the general meetings of the association, unless they are already members of the association.
§ 17 The office
- The Association may establish an office with salaried employees to fulfill its tasks. This takes over organizational and administrative tasks for the association. This includes administration and accounting; data processing in accordance with the DSGVO; member management and support of the working groups.
- The Board of Directors is responsible for selecting and hiring employees. They are responsible to the Board of Directors.
- The remuneration of the office staff is governed by the Financial Regulations.
§ 18 The cash audit
- The general meeting elects a cash auditor. The term of office is three years. Re-election is permitted. The cash auditor may neither be a member of the executive board nor pursue a paid activity within the association. In the event of a resignation, by-elections may be held at an ordinary general meeting for the remainder of the term of office.
- The cash auditor has the task of checking the management to ensure that income and expenditure are documented and that economic and economical procedures have been followed. He or she shall report the results of the audit in writing to the General Meeting.
§ 19 Dissolution of the Association, termination for other reasons, discontinuation of tax-privileged purposes
- In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the Chairperson of the Board and her deputy shall be jointly authorized liquidators, unless the General Meeting appoints other persons.
- In the event of the dissolution or annulment of the Association or in the event of the discontinuation of tax-privileged purposes, the assets of the Association shall fall to Sisters e.V..
- The above provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis if the association has been deprived of its legal capacity.
Mönchengladbach, 15.3.2023