Thema: Projects

Legal aid Doris Lange — Women’s fitness Erlangen

Legal aid Doris Lange — Women’s fitness Erlangen

The Frauen­heldin­nen asso­ci­a­tion is com­mit­ted to equal rights for girls and women and the preser­va­tion of gen­der-spe­cif­ic rights and spaces. Doris Lange is forced to defend her­self against a man who demands access to her women’s fit­ness studio.your and your gen­er­ous dona­tions help Doris Lange to main­tain her women’s fit­ness stu­dio. This also sends a sig­nal that women should not be intim­i­dat­ed if they are legal­ly harassed by abu­sive men.

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Legal aid

Legal aid

We will keep talking Your donation goes towards our battle fund for helping women continue to stand up for their rights even when faced with intimidation from a range of angles, such as reporting offices, fines or heated debate and hateful attention.Frauenheldinnen...

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Heroica – Jetzt Tickets sichern!

heroica – Die Konferenz für widerständige Frauen

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Frauenheldinnen e.V. – Die gemeinnützige Förderplattform

Frauenheldinnen e.V. – Die gemeinnützige Förderplattform