Thema: Legal aid project

Legal aid Doris Lange — Women’s fitness Erlangen

Legal aid Doris Lange — Women’s fitness Erlangen

The Frauen­heldin­nen asso­ci­a­tion is com­mit­ted to equal rights for girls and women and the preser­va­tion of gen­der-spe­cif­ic rights and spaces. Doris Lange is forced to defend her­self against a man who demands access to her women’s fit­ness studio.your and your gen­er­ous dona­tions help Doris Lange to main­tain her women’s fit­ness stu­dio. This also sends a sig­nal that women should not be intim­i­dat­ed if they are legal­ly harassed by abu­sive men.

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Heroica – Jetzt Tickets sichern!

heroica – Die Konferenz für widerständige Frauen

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Frauenheldinnen e.V. – Die gemeinnützige Förderplattform

Frauenheldinnen e.V. – Die gemeinnützige Förderplattform